From April 1, 2022, the Yellow-Blue Charitable Foundation begins its work. The foundation was established exclusively as a humanitarian organization that helps Ukrainians survive the horrors of war.
A feature of the fund is the focus on the use of high-tech solutions, both software and hardware. Our team contributes to the victory by attracting and implementing high-tech humanitarian solutions that save lives.
The Yellow-Blue Charitable Foundation operates within the framework of international humanitarian law in the part that regulates the protection of civilians and civilian objects during military conflicts. Our IT projects are aimed at human safety, technological equipment of physicians, support of civil infrastructure, environmental control.
The Foundation cooperates with donors, including international organizations, IT companies and individuals. The Foundation's activities are public and open, provided by a Supervisory Board, which includes public figures from business and the public sector. All donations go exclusively to humanitarian projects related to the elimination of the consequences of Russia's military aggression against Ukraine and assistance to people affected by the fighting.